Veterans Administration
We need your help getting to the patients!
If you are interested in having your pharmacy stock Evil Bone Water for prescribing to your patients within your VA clinic or hospital, or can provide insight on this process, please contact us at 727-498-1183 to share any additional information.
All natural imperial grade herbs, non-GMO, gluten-free, pesticide-free, and contaminant-free.
- Natural Camphor
- Natural Menthol
- Notoginseng, Pseudoginseng
- Japanese Knot Weed
- Cinnamon Bark
- Zedoary Rhizome, Rhizoma Curcumae
- Atractylodis Macrocephalae Rhizoma
- Knotweed Rhizome
- Inula Cappa DC
- Philippine Flemingia Root
Actions Already Taken to Manufacture & Distribute to the VA:
- Contacted Pharmacy, Whole Health, and Acupuncture VA representatives to begin the distribution process.
- Upgraded brewery equipment and facility to accommodate anticipated VA demand volume.
- Established accounts and took necessary actions through and VA Pathfinder including obtaining a VA Vendor number and completing a survey for Evil Bone Water to be listed for Market Research.
For VA Patients:
Bring our VA Vendor identifying information to your VA Physician to have EBW prescribed to YOU:
- Unique Entity ID: WXB6JZZJ3568
For VA Physicians:
To prescribe Evil Bone Water to your patients, use our VA Vendor identifying information with your Pharmacy Purchasing Representative so they can start stocking it:
- Unique Entity ID: WXB6JZZJ3568